Allow yourself to be deeply


authentically expressed, &

vibrantly balanced!

Free Download - Somatic Practices for Self-Expression




Become aware of the present with acceptance & non-judgment, utilizing tools such as yoga, deep breathing techniques, slowing down, and introspective journaling.


Build mind-body-soul connections through sensory journeys that integrate somatics & nervous system regulation. Bring alive the qualities of you that have been hidden.


Create intentional space and meaningful moments in your everyday life and with a collective of women through soul fulfilling rituals and ceremonies.

Imagine a joyful life where you feel free, connected & empowered


With regular mindfulness, sacred rituals and embodiment practices, you can create more connection to your body, mind & soul. You're able to find peace and safety within, that allow your authentic expression and joy to come alive. Once that frequency of your foundation is higher, you can call in the manifestations you've been dreaming about. Enjoy living intentionally and freely, choosing to do more things that bring a smile to your face on an everyday basis.

Start your somatic journey today! These practices help you ground your energy, release tension, and connect deeply with your body, allowing for authentic self to come alive.

Download Free Guide

Start connecting with yourself in deeper ways

Old ways are no longer working? It's time to start deepening your connection with yourself by pausing, slowing down, and regulating your nervous system.

Start Your Sacred Journey Today

Prosperity Retreat

with Veera Korjala & Mikaela Soldan

Join the Prosperity Retreat where we explore the interconnected themes of Relationships, Vitality, Finances, and Purpose for holistic growth and abundance.


Curious about Journaling & Chakras?

Begin exploring the inner world & understand chakra energy system, and connect the meanings for your everyday life. This editable 88-page journal is available now.

Download Here

  Janet P.

 The vibe that she has makes you feel comfortable and invites you to focus on yourself. I have learned so many practices from her that I now carry into my daily ritual. I do believe that life is a journey and as life happens to all of us we need to be gentle to ourselves and show ourselves grace. Thank you, Veera for reminding us how to do this.”

Upcoming Retreats



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